Thursday, July 18, 2013

Liebster Award!

I am very happy to have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Catia over at Always a Teacher & Forever a Mom. I look forward to sharing my experiences with teaching upper elementary self-contained class. 

The Liebster Award is given to blogs who have less than 200 followers but that deserve to have many more. 
The rules for this award are as follows: 
1. Thank the Liebster-winning blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.
2. Post eleven facts about yourself.
3. Answer the eleven questions your nominator asked.
4. Create eleven questions for your nominees.
5. Nominate 5 to 11 blogs of 200 followers or less who you feel deserve to be noticed and leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been chosen.
6. Display the Liebster Award logo.

Here I go:

Catia- Thank you bunches for the nomination. I truly appreciate you including me :) Be sure to check out her TpT store. She's got some adorable FREE frames and lots of other great items!!!

11 Facts about Me :)
1. I am a Mommy to a beautiful soon-to-be 2 year old.
2. I have been a happy wife for 7 years.
3. I speak English and Spanish.
4. I have taught grades 4-6. 
5. I am passionate about equality in education- I firmly believe equality means every students deserves the education best suited to their needs.
6. I am obsessed with reality TV!!
7. My favorite book is Great Expectations-Dickens.
8. Disney's 'How to train your Dragon' is my favorite animated movie.
9. I love dragons.
10. I want to go on an African safari.
11. I LOVE handbags!!!

Catia's questions:
  1. Where are you from? I am from Mexico. 
  2. How many languages do you speak fluently? 2-English and Spanish.
  3. If you could learn a new language, what would it be? French! I am working on this!
  4. What is your favourite thing to do when you need to relax? READ!!!
  5. Name 3 people that had a huge impact on your life and tell us why. 1) My mother taught me to be strong and ambitious. 2) My Dad taught me to love unconditionally. 3) My Baby Boy taught me to never take life for granted (he had a scary first month of life).
  6. What is the dream you most wish to have come true? I want to own a business- a cupcake shop or go into professional photography.
  7. Favorite animal and why. Dinosaurs- strong and ferocious!
  8. Coffee, tea or neither? Coffee. I am an addict!!!
  9. Where do you usually go when on holidays? Beach, camping, cruise….? Stay home- I love hosting family gatherings.
  10. Something or someone that makes you get up in the morning with a smile. My Baby Boy- he changed my life.
  11. If you could describe yourself in one word, what word would that be? Determined. If you want something-make it happen.

My 11 questions:
1. Mac or PC?
2. Do you use an iphone?
3. Do you like to read on a tablet or book?
4. Favorite subject you love to teach?
5. Who do you admire?
6. Are you a DIY-type of person?
7. What has been your greatest accomplishment so far in life?
8. Do you like cupcakes or a slice of cake?
9. What is the last book you read?
10. Who is your favorite superhero?
11. Tell us your favorite food!

Blogs I am nominating:

Happy Bloggin'!!!

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  1. Enjoyed reading your answers. Baby boys are precious!!

    Mrs. Tretbar’s Library

  2. I found you through a TpT forum! I am a new follower of your store and your blog! I love you header and your name!

    Teaching with TLC,
    A Tender Teacher for Special Needs
