Thursday, August 15, 2013

Sale! Sale! Sale!

It's that time of year- the TPT back to school sale will soon be here! TpT is holding their annual back to school sale from August 18-19th!!! Run and get those items you've had your eye on!! I will be taking advantage and getting some bundles I've been eyeing!

My entire store (yes!!!! Bundles too) will be on sale!! Don't forget to use the BTS13 promo code for additional savings!!

P.S. my store will be having a sale from August 18-20th!!

Happy, happy shopping, everyone!!!

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Friday, August 2, 2013

My new favorite poem

Ever since I was little I have always been fascinated by dragons! (My favorite animated movie is How to train your dragon!!!)
Tonight, while my Baby was watching Disney Jr. they ran their 'A poem is..' segment and I heard the most amazing poem EVER!
'Once they all believed in dragons' by Jack Prelutsky. It is narrated by Doctor Who and Downtown Abbey actor Matt Smith. It has a beautiful animation to go with it. Watch it here. I am definitely adding this little treasure to my list of poems to teach :)

 Just wanted to share! 
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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Begin with goals in mind!

August already?! :(
I've had a great time staying home this summer and even though I love teaching, I'm not ready to go back! I think that setting some goals will steer me in the right direction. Here I go!
I am linking up with I Heart Recess to share my Back to School Goals.

 Personal: I will be leaving work no later than 4:00 PM! I don't want to miss moments with my family at home anymore, therefore I have to learn to prioritize to get things done! I plan to do this by running my copies for lessons a week ahead, filing paper as I go, and utilizing EVERY.SINGLE.MINUTE of my planning time to get work done!

Organization: Ok, so I've created my DIY teacher binder with dividers to help me stay organized- this will help me not waste time looking for stuff in a pile of paper! I am also using binders to store my lessons for each subject so that I have them to refer back to and they are not just piled behind my desk. I'm going to use a crate with hanging file folders to keep my students' work, documentation, etc so that I have it handy when I need to speak to a parent, admin, refer for interventions, or any other need that may arise.

Planning: I've done some planning this summer, specially in science and language arts and I plan to stay at least 2 weeks ahead of the game. I'm revamping my math this year so I'll be learning as I go- I'm going full on with Math Workshop this year. I've done bits and pieces in the past, but this year it is on!

Professional: I'm going to attempt to integrate technology into at least one subject I teach on a daily basis. We have access to ipads and computers and I want to ensure that my students are exposed to technology constantly. I want to go beyond apps- it's a lot to take on, but I'm up for the challenge!

Students: I will consider it a huge success if I can teach my kids to collaborate with and respect others. That is my main goal going into my classroom this year. I want every kid in my class to feel empowered, safe, respected, and to be thoughtful of others.

Motto: "If you think your teacher is tough, wait til you get a boss." Well said, Mr. Gates. I do love my students and I by no means want to be Mrs. Mean, but I do aim to make them problem-solving-working-doers (too much Mickey!!!). They will become self-sufficient and will need to make decisions to empower themselves as learners. Responsibility will bea repeated often.

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