Wednesday, July 6, 2016

#Teachinghack No. 4: A pocket full of math

#Teachinghack No. 4: A pocket full of math

Everything has a place and everything is in its place. Simple, right? Not so simple in the everyday life of a teacher or student!

Here's a little hack to help with organizing an interactive journal. I've already shared how to keep an interactive journal from overflowing, and now here's a way to keep small cards, place value stands and any other math tools in a secure spot.

Use a sandwich bag and sturdy tape to make a handy dandy pocket. In my classroom, we keep all sorts of items in the pocket and if taped down correctly, it will last you all year long.

In the pocket we usually store a place value stand, a ruler, and any matching cards we use for math models.

Pretty soon our pocket starts to look a little like this

I always tell my students there is no down time in class. If they finish a task and are done with their center work, they can come to the pocket to find an activity to work on. The learning has to continue!

You don't have to worry about the journal becoming too thick, because you have rubber band to hold it all together.

Hope you found this #Teachinghack helpful.

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