One of my absolute favorite science resources is Science A-Z (our school has a membership-we've had it for years and NO ONE knew about it!!!). I am unsure about how much it costs but check with other teachers at your school to see if your school already has a membership OR checkout the website for some free samples. I use Science A-Z to get reading material for my reading AND science stations/centers (I will be blogging about what stations I do a bit later on this month). They publish monthly science-related magazines, offer short and long science leveled readings and MUCH, MUCH more. One of my favorite things on the site is the Scientist and Inventor packs. There are several collections of various scientist and inventors. We used them in my class last year to springboard into an end-of-year science research project. You just have to check out Science A-Z (there is also a Reading A-Z equally great!!!).
Another science resource I love to use is Discovery Education. Your school will need a membership but let me tell you it is well worth the $$$. There are videos on science, social studies, math, and any other topic you can think of. I use it daily in my technology center as a way to teach my kids to take notes from media.
Who does not LOVE Study Jams?! A free site from Scholastic with an abundance of science and math short videos. My kids LOVE them!! The videos usually offer a karaoke song and a quiz at the end. This would be great as a supplement to a lesson.
Lastly, I use a lot of technology in my classroom so I provide links for my students to log on to, take notes, and report back on their learning. This NASA one is a great example of free resources on the web (I always preview the content). The link is one I use to review the solar system.
These are some of my favorite resources I use to supplement my science lessons. What are your favorite resources?
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