August already?! :(
I've had a great time staying home this summer and even though I love teaching, I'm not ready to go back! I think that setting some goals will steer me in the right direction. Here I go!
I am linking up with
I Heart Recess to share my Back to School Goals.
Personal: I will be leaving work no later than 4:00 PM! I don't want to miss moments with my family at home anymore, therefore I have to learn to prioritize to get things done! I plan to do this by running my copies for lessons a week ahead, filing paper as I go, and utilizing EVERY.SINGLE.MINUTE of my planning time to get work done!
Organization: Ok, so I've created my DIY teacher binder with dividers to help me stay organized- this will help me not waste time looking for stuff in a pile of paper! I am also using binders to store my lessons for each subject so that I have them to refer back to and they are not just piled behind my desk. I'm going to use a crate with hanging file folders to keep my students' work, documentation, etc so that I have it handy when I need to speak to a parent, admin, refer for interventions, or any other need that may arise.
Planning: I've done some planning this summer, specially in science and language arts and I plan to stay at least 2 weeks ahead of the game. I'm revamping my math this year so I'll be learning as I go- I'm going full on with Math Workshop this year. I've done bits and pieces in the past, but this year it is on!
Professional: I'm going to attempt to integrate technology into at least one subject I teach on a daily basis. We have access to ipads and computers and I want to ensure that my students are exposed to technology constantly. I want to go beyond apps- it's a lot to take on, but I'm up for the challenge!
Students: I will consider it a huge success if I can teach my kids to collaborate with and respect others. That is my main goal going into my classroom this year. I want every kid in my class to feel empowered, safe, respected, and to be thoughtful of others.
Motto: "If you think your teacher is tough, wait til you get a boss." Well said, Mr. Gates. I do love my students and I by no means want to be Mrs. Mean, but I do aim to make them problem-solving-working-doers (too much Mickey!!!). They will become self-sufficient and will need to make decisions to empower themselves as learners. Responsibility will bea repeated often.